Pride of Ownership Night

Blue skies encouraged club members to come out in force with their MGs for the annual Pride of Ownership evening providing a nostalgic line-up in the Hamworthy Sports Club car park.

The usual ranks of MGBs and MGB GTs were joined by a wide selection of other models carrying the octagon badge from 1950s roadsters through to the latest all-electric MG4 and everything in between. There was also an example of the brand new MG3 Hybrid plus (a road-test report on which is due to appear in the August issue of Enjoying MG).

Everyone took the opportunity of the fine weather to mingle outdoors and chat about all things cars while admiring the diverse collection of MGs on show.

The hardest task of the night was deciding your favourite car of the night – in the end the most votes for a club member car went to the green MGB GT of Sharon and Andrew Baxter who were surprised and delighted to be chosen from such an illustrious line-up.

They were presented (top) with some car cleaning goodies and the perpetual Pride of Ownership tankard by event sponsor Wayne Healey.
